Eric Brevig
Eric Brevig ,Oscar Academy Award for Best Visual Effects

Eric Brevig為美國相當著名電影導演和視覺特效總監,曾參與製作逾40部電影的製作,是電影地心冒險< Journey to the Center of the Earth >的導演,並擔任電影明天過後< The Day After Tomorrow >、異星戰場:強卡特戰記<John Carter>、MIB星際戰警 <Men in Black>的視覺特效總監。

Eric Brevig在加州大學洛杉磯分校的電影學院進修時,便展現3D電影製作技術的興趣,並投入視覺特效領域。Eric Brevig也因執導電影珍珠港<Pearl Harbor>、虎克船長< Hook>的視覺特效製作,兩度被提名為奧斯卡最佳視覺效果,並因魔鬼總動員<Total Recall>的特殊視覺效果,榮獲1991年奧斯卡特別成就獎< Special Achievement Award >,奠定他在電影圈的崇高地位。

Eric Brevig is a well-known U.S. film director and visual effects supervisor. He has worked on over 40 films, including Journey to the Center of the Earth as director and The Day After Tomorrow, John Carter, and Men in Black as visual effects supervisor.

Brevig turned an interest in 3D movie animation at UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television into a distinguished visual effects career. He earned two Best Visual Effects Oscar nominations for work done on Pearl Harbor and Hook. His 1991 Special Achievement Oscar for visual effects work on Total Recall established early on Brevig’s outstanding credentials in the visual effects arena.


Charlotte Huggins
Charlotte Huggins, International 3D Society

Charlotte Huggin是好萊塢的著名電影製作人,目前擔任International 3D Society國際3D協會董事,致力推動3D電影的發展。她被好萊塢報導<The Hollywood Reporter>稱做是對好萊塢發展最有影響力的代表人物,同時也被每日綜藝日報< Daily Variety>列入2008年對電影圈最具影響力的女性。Charlotte Huggin從事逾25年的電影製片及編劇工作,籌拍過製作過10幾部IMAX及特殊地點的3D電影作品。她在任職於索尼影業期間,創作出一系列耳熟能詳的電影作品,包含:迪士尼電影「親愛的,我把孩子縮小了」、首部3D-IMAX電影<Wings of Courage>,一直到近年來著名的「地心歷險」<Journey to the Center of the Earth>,Charlotte Huggin一再的推翻3D電影的創作題材與風潮,讓3D電影從動畫逐漸開始嘗試擴展到真人劇情片的範圍。


Charlotte Huggins is a well-known Hollywood film producer. She is currently a board governor of the International 3D Society and a prolific producer and promoter of 3D films. The Hollywood Reporter named Huggins one of Hollywood’s most influential individuals and Daily Variety included her in their prestigious 2008 Women's Impact List. With a production and story-editing career spanning a quarter century, Huggins has developed and produced over 10 IMAX 3D and special venue 3D films. Her list of credits while at Sony Pictures Imageworks include Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and the first 3D-IMAX dramatic action film, Wings of Courage. Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of her more recent works. Huggins is a leading figure in efforts to expand the 3D film medium beyond animation into live-action film productions.


Ryan Miziker
Ryan Miziker, Director of Miziker Group

Miziker Entertainment善於主題公園(Theme Park)的設計及總體規劃、樂園、大型表演節目等,著名的代表作品有東京迪士尼樂園、新加坡環球影城、美國派拉蒙公園、加州樂高樂園、台灣月眉探索世界(現為麗寶樂園)等。Ryan Miziker 畢業於加州大學柏克萊分校地理學系,在建築、藝術設計上擁有充分的實務經驗。他在2000年時加入Miziker Entertainment擔任創意總監,用他過人的創意與獨到的觀點,製作過一系列很成功的作品。Ryan Miziker曾擔任新加坡環球影城(Universal Studios Singapore)-馬達加斯加電影主題區、史瑞克電影主題區的節目製作人,並擔任西班牙派拉蒙公園的節目規畫總監。


Miziker Entertainment has expertise in the planning and design of theme parks, theme attractions, and major shows and events. Miziker’s project resumé includes Tokyo Disneyland, Universal Studios Singapore, Paramount Parks, Legoland California Resort, and Taiwan’s Lihpao Land (formerly Yuemei Discovery Land). Ryan Miziker holds a degree in Geography from UCLA Berkley and significant professional experience in architecture and art design. He joined Miziker Entertainment in 2000 as the company’s Development Director. Miziker has used his innate creativity and unique perspective to create a string of successful projects. He is a former creative programs director at Universal Studios Singapore’s “Madagascar” and “Far Far Away (Shrek)” zones and program planning director at Paramount Parks in Spain.


芬蘭-Angry Birds 母公司-ROVIO首席動畫製作人
Tianti Pan
Tianyi Pan, Supervising Producer, Animation, Rovio

《Angry Birds》從2009 年現身以來,目前全球累積下載量已超過3.5 億次,玩家每天花3 億分鐘在這些可愛小鳥身上。Rovio 在68個國家都是iTunes 付費遊戲排行榜的榜首。Angry Birds 從遊戲出發,目前已跨足卡通、電影、3D 等領域。不僅侷限在iPhone 上,《連線雜誌》報導Rovio 將是「迪士尼2.0(Disney 2.0)」,全方位進軍娛樂帝國,Angry Birds 也跟動畫電影《里約大冒險(Rio)》跨界合作遊戲。


Since 2009, viral app Angry Birds has accumulated over 350 million downloads worldwide, with people around the world spending an estimated 300 million minutes a day contemplating the aerodynamics of these cute electronic birds. Rovio is the top iTunes paid app download in 68 countries. Expanding beyond its app game origins, the Angry Bird franchise has branched into a serialized cartoon, movie, and 3D platforms. WIRED has reported on Angry Birds franchise ambitions as “Disney 2.0”, an entirely new entertainment empire. Angry Birds also collaborated with the animated film Rio on the release of the app Angry Birds Rio.


Dr. Charles Lee of TWR (The White Rabbit)



Based in Taiwan, World-class 3D production company TWRE is behind the 3D animation magic in the television series Black & White and Seediq Bale 3D. TWRE’s production team incorporates cutting-edge 3D production technologies and local and international 3D animation talent.


Peichi Ho, EMSS, Embedded Multimedia Software Solution, Director, Brogent Technologies Inc.



Brogent Technologies is a professional developer of embedded audio, embedded video and 3D real-time rendering software solutions as well as panoramic theater technology and related applications. Brogent has responded to changing market needs and maturing technologies to expand beyond customized mobile software solutions into the creative downloadable apps market. Brogent is now also integrating its theater projection know-how with simulation technologies to take professional simulator platforms to the next level in total immersion entertainment experiences.


Sanvy Hsieh, Animation Development Office, Director, Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.)

遊戲橘子奠基於台灣,2000年將韓國線上遊戲「天堂」引進台灣,從此改寫台灣遊戲產業的歷史。此外,遊戲橘子放眼國際、將事業版圖擴展至韓國、香港、日本、中國、美國和歐洲等地區。自2003年起陸續發表多款自製線上遊戲,創下亮眼成績。遊戲橘子更跨足動畫領域,未來,遊戲橘子將致力於整合數位娛樂資源,發展成為「世界級數位 娛樂領導品牌」。


Taiwan-based Gamania’s introduction of the smash-hit Korean online game Lineage: Eternal Life to Taiwanese gamers in 2000 permanently changed the face of online gaming in Taiwan. Gamania has since expanded its business to target markets in South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, China, the United States and Europe. The company has regularly launched self-titled online games since 2003 and made an impressive splash in the global gaming community. Expanding into animation, Gamania is working to focus extensive digital entertainment assets on creating a leading new world-class digital entertainment brand.