活動簡介 About smart-tech Forum


身處智慧科技浪潮的世代,城市發展需要轉變,推動高雄邁向數位新創之都,在AI、IoT、Bloackchain 及 FinTech 的技術發展之下,高雄邁向智慧城市。





Smart City analyzes and makes intelligent decisions through the information collected through IoT. “First is to increase governance efficiency, and second is to create value. ” With the arrival of IoT, Smart City has now become the most important issue of urbanization and industrialization.

To achieve "Smart Kaohsiung", it is essential to support IoT technologies (including interconnected sensors, meters and street lamps, etc.), big data analysis (by collecting and analyzing data to improve public infrastructure and services). In the future, technology companies will combine with AI and cloud to develop smart applications, solve urban development problems, and accordingly promote sustainability and the rise of local industrial settlements.

2019 Global Smart Technology Forum is focus on the trend of Future Smart Technology especially on AI, IOT and Blockchain ,leading all participants to have a comprehensive understanding from trend to practice.  

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