由《數位時代》自2011年起開始推動,透過跨平台的專業媒體以及交流月會、企業或投資媒合、國際參訪、創業競賽 Neo Star Demo Show、新創展會 Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華等活動所打造的創新創業社群網絡,也是一個最具傳播影響力與商業價值,國際級的新創機會交流平台,致力於促成資訊、資金、資源、人才、以及國際連結能夠廣泛交流與精準媒合。

Launched by Business Next Media since 2011, Meet is a go-to platform for startup community, news, events, talents, partners, funding and more. Meet is the pioneer fostering the startup ecosystem and social network in Taiwan, by providing various online and offline service. Meet Taipei Startup Festival, powered by Meet, is bound for the largest tech startup conference and exhibition in Asia.

線下活動 Offline Events


Luncheon Interview


Meet ediors interview startups in luncheons to know more about the innovative products and service.


Meet 創業小聚
Monthly Gathering


Meet invite 4-6 startups, 1-2 opinion leaders as special speakers, with 150-200 attendees and gather on the 3th Wednesday every month.


Meet 創新媒合沙龍
Meet Innovation Salon

每季固定的產業沙龍聚會。聚焦於物聯網產業相關企業、團隊的閉門交流與媒合;每一場都邀請不同規模的企業與新創參與,2014年起共舉辦了 21 季活動,實證企業與新創共同合作外部創新的機會與必須。

2020 年起轉型推出「Meet 聯合創新中心」計畫,提供企業推動外部創新、對接新創技術的精準媒合服務,並透過 Meet 創新媒合沙龍作為計畫的具體實踐。

Held in every season since 2014, Meet IoT Salon has had the corporates and startups, which target IoT applications, to embrace openness, collaboration, and shared success. Transformed in 2020, Meet Innovation Studio provides a platform for corporate innovation, matchmaking with the disruptive solutions from startups. Therefore, Meet IoT Salon has become Meet Innovation Salon to meet with diverse industries.


Neo Star Demo Show

經採訪篩選的200組創業之星,再從中評選出年度Neo Star 30強,登上Demo Show舞台,爭取國際重量級創投/企業代表評審的關注,與Top 3的榮耀!

After two-stage selection, the 30 final Neo Star startups will have valuable 10 minutes on Demo Show stage in front of 20 professional global judges.


Meet Taipei Startup Festival

每年11月,吸引30座國際城市的新創展出,結合論壇、Demo Show、互動體驗、創業媒合、舞台表演...,一年一度台灣創業圈盛會,期待打造亞洲最大創新創業嘉年華!

With startups from over 27 countries, Meet Taipei has created the largest startup festival in Taiwan in every November, providing demo booths, business matching, pitch stages, trends conference, and performing shows.


Meet 國際沙龍
Meet Global Salon


Meet Global Salon is bound for global markets and business network. In each session, you can find the Fireside Chat from global mentors, Show & Tell from selected startups, and Mixer with global partners and communities. Meet Global Salon has been held in different cities, including Silicon Valley, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur and Taipei.


Meet Trip

2019年起由Meet Trip國際參訪衍生的國際交流活動,由隨團出訪的台灣新創與海外在地社群共同合作,舉辦Meet 國際沙龍,邀請國際創業生態系中對台灣新創具有高度興趣的關鍵夥伴與會交流,促成快速與大量的海外人脈及機會對接,目前專注於矽谷、東南亞、以及日本等重要市場的經營與發展。

Meet Trip facilitates startups’ global expansion, building connection with local partners, including investors, accelerators, communities and corporates, in Malaysia, Japan, U.S, and China.


Meet創業之星 持續招募中!
Meet Startup, We Want you!

邀請新創團隊,與創業小聚編輯聊聊你們的創業歷程與創新服務!請來信 meet@bnext.com.tw

Startups, we invite you to Meet Luncheon Interviews to talk about your innovations. Please email to meet@bnext.com.tw

線上服務 Online Service
數位時代 經理人月刊 Shopping Design