Qualcomm Innovate
in Taiwan Challenge
The Qualcomm® Innovate in Taiwan Challenge (QITC) 2020 is a continuation of an initiative by Qualcomm that was started in 2019 to support the development of Taiwan’s ICT ecosystem by identifying and nurturing innovative, new small and medium-sized companies and products. This Qualcomm initiative is a collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) to support the growth of Taiwanese startups in areas such as 5G, cellular connected IoT, machine learning, smart cities, and multimedia with our mobile platforms and technologies.
official website網站導覽
Website Tour

歡迎來到高通MEET TAIPEI線上展區,進入網站後下滑可看到一座未來城市,每棟建築物都代表一家優秀新創,點擊進入後可了解新創團隊亮點,包含介紹影片、聯絡方式等,歡迎多加交流。
Welcome to the Qualcomm online exhibition area at Meet Taipei. After entering the website, you can see a future city by sliding down, where in each building represents an outstanding startup team. Click on the buildings to learn more about the team highlights, including introduction videos, contact information, etc. Welcome to explore and connect with these startups.