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Disclosing Global Mobility with Taiwan Advantages
With the global consensus of environment protection and the improvement of technology, electric vehicles are the next disruption to mobility. Tech giants, traditional car manufacturers, startups, business leaders, experts, and scholars are proactively investing in various innovations and possibilities for future smart mobility. The global supply chain has brought significant applications to in-car entertainment systems, electronic control systems, shared mobile services with advanced technology. Limitless EV opportunities are the next big bang.
2035 E-Mobility Taiwan - International Smart Mobility Forum takes in-depth discussions on innovative technologies and industrial applications. We invite international players, IT professionals, local EV supply chain representatives, startups, and government officials to join forces. This is the place to discover and explore the core issues of smart mobility and how Taiwan can thrive and shine in the world.
Core TechMarket Prediction

Discovering Future Applications Based on innovative technology and industrial applications, this session is divided into topics such as intelligent driving, electric power management, human-vehicle interaction, and autonomous ecosystem.
Industry Overview

Smart mobility is not an industry dominated by traditional car manufacturers. The integration with ICT companies is now a must.
Collective Deliberation
Enormous Potentials in Taiwan

From the in-depth discussions delivered by international and local experts, we explore Taiwan's potential strengths and advantages in the smart mobility industry!
2035 E-Mobility Taiwan is an international exhibition that showcases the electric vehicle and self-driving car ecosystem. It is a platform for product displays, seminars, business meetings, and exchanges of ideas to stimulate creative communication between companies and to establish future e-mobility collaboration and business models.
Exhibit Sectors
- Autonomous: ADAS,LiDAR,System Integration
- Move: Battery,Electric motor, Electric control, Energy management
- Share: Sharing PlatformsPaaS, MaaS, SaaS, and IaaS application Solutions,Interaction
- Infotainment: Human-vehicle interaction software
- Connect: IOV, 5G, LEO Satellite Communications (B5G, 6G) and Information